Next Steps
Next Steps at New Life Church
However you got here, we’re excited to welcome you to New Life Church. Whether you recently said “YES!” to Jesus or you’re looking to get connected to a new church, we’re glad you’re here.
If you have recently said “yes!” to Jesus, we are so excited to connect with you and to celebrate this decision with you!
Growth Track is where you learn more about our church and how you can live life to the fullest! Pastors Doug and Crystal Heisel will share the vision and values of New Life Church. You will also discover how your purpose and our church work together for the greatest Kingdom results.
We believe that community happens outside of our Sunday Gatherings, when you develop deep and meaningful relationships with other Christ-followers. Whether you’re looking for a group of people who share activities and passions or want to learn more about the Bible with a group of new friends, we have a group for you!
We believe baptism is a public declaration of faith for believers! Baptism is the second-best decision you can make (after accepting Jesus into your life!) and we celebrate your interest. Learn more about taking this next step in your faith by registering for an upcoming baptism class.
At New Life Church, we get to serve others. We operate from a position that we don’t have to serve, but we get to serve and participate in what God is doing in the East Bay! From our Sunday Gathering Serving Teams to running production or working with New Life Kids, we love serving together. If you’ve completed Growth Track and are looking for your next step, this is it.